Studi Penerapan Cara Produksi Pangan Yang Baik (CPPB) dan Umur Simpan Mi Glosor Di Kota Bogor

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Yati Soeka
Aji Jumiono


One of the fast food sold by  small and medium businesses is noodles. Noodles are preferred by consumers because they are cheap, affordable for all levels of society, can be processed  into a variety of cuisines, and can be served quickly. One of the most common culinary noodles consumed by the people of Bogor city and its surroundings is the glutinous noodles which are widely served with various variations. However, in buying, sometimes people do not know whether the glossy noodles they consume are suitable foods to consume. This research aims to know  the making of glossy noodles by the glossy noodles maker in Bogor city, based on good food production  methods so that we can  know the shelf life of glossy noodles in the laboratory by analyzing the total plate count and organoleptic test  with packaging technique of HDPE plastic bags stored  for 5 days, heat-resistant HDPE plastic sealed stored for 10 days and heat-resistant HDPE plastic which was vacuum stored for 15 days with no dyeing and with immersion treatments in water of 100 oC for 1 minute. Data on good food production methods is obtained by means of surveys that reveal  case studies of a problem with a qualitative approach. The results of research showed that the results of observation of small and medium business in CV Taruna  have four major activities, namely procurement of materials, production process, packaging, and marketing or delivering. Small and medium businesses of  CV Taruna have 37 process flows. The conditions of implementing good food production methods  are currently at level 4. The number of serious  nonconformities of 3 elements and critical  mismatches of 2 elements. The results of the analysis of the total plate numbers with packaging technique of HDPE plastic bags stored  for 5 days, heat-resistant HDPE plastic sealed stored for 10 days and heat-resistant HDPE plastic which was vacuum stored for 15 days with no dyeing treatment and with immersion in water of 100 oC for 1 minute meet SNI requirements < 1x10-6 at room temperature for 72 hours. The results of organoleptic test with packaging technique of HDPE plastic bags stored  for 5 days, heat-resistant HDPE plastic sealed stored for 10 days and heat-resistant HDPE plastic which was vacuum stored for 15 days with no dyeing treatment and with immersion in water of 100 oC for 1 minute for color, aroma, texture, and appearance on the score from dislike to very  like.

Keywords: small and medium enterprises, gloss noodles, shelf life, total plate count, organoleptic test.

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How to Cite
Soeka, Y., & Jumiono, A. (2019). Studi Penerapan Cara Produksi Pangan Yang Baik (CPPB) dan Umur Simpan Mi Glosor Di Kota Bogor. Jurnal Ilmiah Pangan Halal, 1(1).


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