Inovasi Lip Balm Berbasis Madu: Pembuatan, Karakterisasi, dan Potensi Aplikasi

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Gifar Muhammad Nuh
Aji Jumiono


Lip balm is a lip care product to maintain the moisture and health of the lips. Innovations in the cosmetic industry are currently leading to the use of natural ingredients. Honey as a natural ingredient has the potential to be the main ingredient in lip balm. The idea of this research is to produce an innovative honey-based lip balm through the proper manufacturing method, physical and chemical characteristics, and evaluation of its application potential. The method of making lip balm involves honey extraction, formulation with additional ingredients such as vegetable oils, and beeswax, and the use of natural preservatives. At the characterization stage, the resulting lip balm is analyzed to determine its physical properties such as texture, color, and moisture. Chemical analysis was also carried out to evaluate the nutritional content and active compounds in honey-based lip balms. The results of the article review show that honey-based lip balm has a soft texture, and attractive color, and is able to keep the lips moist for quite a long time. Chemical analysis revealed that this honey lip balm contains active compounds such as antioxidants and enzymes which are useful in treating and protecting lips from damage as a result of environmental effects. The potential application of this honey-based lip balm innovation functions as a moisturizer and care for dry lips, protection from the sun, and relieves irritation and inflammation of the lips.

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How to Cite
Nuh, G. M., Jumiono, A., & Mardiah. (2023). Inovasi Lip Balm Berbasis Madu: Pembuatan, Karakterisasi, dan Potensi Aplikasi. Jurnal Ilmiah Pangan Halal, 5(1), 30–33.


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