Study of Making Gluten-Free Fettuccine from Taro Flour (Colocasia esculenta L. Schoot)


  • Sekti Rahardjo a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:31:"Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor";}
  • Aminudin
  • Saleha
  • Tatik Sriwulandari
  • Nisa Rahmaniyah Utami



fettuccine, gluten free, organoleptic, taro flour, yolk


We often encounter fettuccine pasta in cafes and restaurants, usually made from wheat flour
as the main ingredient. Wheat flour is a food ingredient that contains gluten, which is a protein
compound from cereals that cause allergies and irritate the small intestine and can also cause
celiac (autoimmune) disease in certain people. Several studies have substituted wheat flour
for making fettuccine with non-gluten taro flour. The formula obtained is still a mixture of taro
flour and wheat flour. This research used 100% pure taro flour with additional ingredients of
two types of egg yolk, namely chicken egg yolk and duck egg yolk. This research aimed to
determine the organoleptic results of fettuccine from 100% taro flour based on the
formulation using the type of egg yolk and boiling time. This study used a completely
randomized trial (CRD) design with four treatments and two repetitions. The types of
treatment in this study were the use of duck eggs with a boiling time of 35 seconds, the use of
boiled duck eggs for 1 minute, the use of boiled chicken eggs for 35 seconds, and the use of
boiled chicken eggs for 1 minute. The research results showed that fettuccine was successfully
made using 100% taro flour without being mixed with wheat, using additional egg yolk as a
binder. A perfect assessment was obtained from the expert panelists for the duck egg yolk
formula boiling for 1 minute. The type of egg yolk and boiling time affect the sample in terms
of taste, color, and texture, but not aroma.


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How to Cite

Rahardjo, S., Aminudin, Saleha, Sriwulandari, T., & Rahmaniyah Utami, N. (2024). Study of Making Gluten-Free Fettuccine from Taro Flour (Colocasia esculenta L. Schoot). JURNAL AGROINDUSTRI HALAL, 10(2), 220–230.