Karakteristik Brownies dengan Perbedaan Lama Fermentasi Tepung Mocaf sebagai Bahan Subtitusi

Characteristics of Brownies with Differences of Fermentation Time of Mocaf Flour as Substitute Ingredients


  • Asti Febrina
  • Andi Maryam
  • Khadijah Khadijah




Keywords: Brownies, Mocaf, Cassava, Fermentation


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the content of mocaf flour with different fermentation times on the quality of brownies. This study used a completely randomized design method. The samples used were mocaf flour brownies which were then handed over to the panelists, each panelist getting 4 samples of mocaf flour brownies. Sample codes to be given are A (24), B (48), C (72), and D (96). Analysis of mocaf flour brownies, namely water content and protein content. The results of the organoleptic test showed that sample D was the most preferred brownie with a percentage of 6.40 (Aroma), 6.90 (Taste), 6.87 (Texture). The results of the water content test are that the water content in sample A is 10.87%, sample B is 10.67%, sample C is 10.32% and sample D is 9.63%. The difference in fermentation time affects the protein content of mocaf flour. It can be seen from the test results obtained that sample A is 0.19%, sample B is 0.35%, sample C is 0.19% and sample D is 0.12%. It can be seen from the results of the brownie protein content test that the sample A obtained was 2.31%, sample B was 2.78%, sample C was 3.63% and sample D was 4.32%. It can be concluded that there is an effect of mocaf fermentation time on the moisture content and protein content of brownies.


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How to Cite

Febrina, A., Maryam, A., & Khadijah, K. (2022). Karakteristik Brownies dengan Perbedaan Lama Fermentasi Tepung Mocaf sebagai Bahan Subtitusi: Characteristics of Brownies with Differences of Fermentation Time of Mocaf Flour as Substitute Ingredients. JURNAL AGROINDUSTRI HALAL, 8(2), 233–242. https://doi.org/10.30997/jah.v8i2.6751
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