


Kata Kunci:

Evaluasi, Kebijakan Publik, Bantuan Sosial Tunai (BST)


Poverty has been one of social phenomena still inherent in people. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on the growing numbers of poor people. The government has conducted various efforts to overcome the poverty. One of efforts of the government is cash social assistance program (BST program). The purpose of this research is to evaluate the BST program policy in Tambaksari District, Surabaya City. The program evaluation uses William N. Dunn’s citeria of policy evaluation. Method of this research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data of this research are collected by interview, observation, documentation and literature study. Based on the criteria of policy evaluation, results of this research indicate that the BST program: (1) is less effective because of less correct target of the program, less entire socialization of the program to people, and the absence of correction to the monitoring results of the program; (2) is efficient because of the correct time for distributing the assistance; (3) is only restrictedly useful because of unsufficient assistance fund to the next time of distribution; (4) is still unequally distributed because of still being unfully-assisted poor people as a consequence of using old data; (5) is less satisfactory for poor people because the number of assistance is not in accordance with the growing prices of the needs; (6) is correctly useful at least for helping to fulfill the needs of poor people.

Biografi Penulis

khusnul khothimah, UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Public Administration



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Cara Mengutip

khothimah, khusnul, & Hertati, D. (2021). EVALUASI KEBIJAKAN PROGRAM BANTUAN SOSIAL TUNAI. Jurnal Governansi, 7(2), 99–110. https://doi.org/10.30997/jgs.v7i2.4230
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