Peer Review Process

1. The articles published in the Jurnal AgribiSains were reviewed by 2 reviewers

2. Journal review applies a double blind review system.

3. Plagiarism screening of manuscripts that enter the Jurnal AgribiSains is carried out with an editorial system and reviewers are also assisted by checking with turnitin

4. There are four recommendations that can be given by reviewers, namely: 1) Accept Submission. Accepting articles without any revisions given; 2) Revision Required. Provide revisions without having to re-review. After the author has revised the manuscript, it immediately proceeds to the editing process; 3) Resubmit for Review. Provide revisions and after the author has revised the manuscript is reviewed again. 4) Decline Submissions. Rejected post due to unqualified quality.

5. In conducting a review, the reviewer considers: topic novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impacts/implications, conclusions and references.

6. Acceptance of an article by the Editor depends on the recommendation of the reviewer

7. Notification of manuscripts being rejected or accepted no later than 2 weeks after the manuscript is reviewed. if more than one week there is no confirmation from the editor, the author has the right to contact the editorial board to confirm the status of the manuscript