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Basil is not only useful as a vegetable, but also has many medicinal properties. This encourages the
development of environmentally friendly basil cultivation, through the use of natural fertilizers.
This study aims to determine the response of various basil accessions to the composition of source
N fertilizer derived from cow urine, kipahit (Tithonia) compost and Urea. The study was conducted
with a factorial completely randomized design. The first factor is the accession of basil, namely
Kemang, Ciaruten, Cijujug and Gasol. The second factor is the combination of N fertilizer (10
levels), namely 100% N-Urea, 100% N- cow urine, 100% N-kipahit, 75% N-Urea + 25% N- cow
urine, 75% N-Urea + 25 % N-kipahit, 50% N-Urea + 50% N-urine cow, 50% N-Urea + 50%
kipahit, 25% N-Urea + 75% N-cow urine, 25% N-Urea + 75% N - kipahit, 0% N-Urea + 0% Ncow urine + 0% N-kipahit. The dosage of N fertilizer used is 150 kg N ha-1. The results showed
that the accession of basil which showed good growth and production was 'Ciaruten' and 'Gasol'.
The application of Urea fertilizer composition with kipahit compost and Urea with cow urine
produces better growth and production compared to the use of Urea fertilizer or organic fertilizer
Keywords: basil, cow urine, kipahit compost

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