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This study was aimed at assessing the response of sweetcorn plant on various dosages of
biofertilizer and synthetic (N, P and K) fertilizer. The study was done in May to September 2014 at
the Agrotechnology Trial Farm of Djuanda University. A factorial completely randomized design
was used. The first and second factor were biofertilizer and synthetic fertilizer dosage (0%, 50 %,
100% and 150% R/Recommendation). Results showed that adding biofertilizer and synthetic
fertilizer until 100% R increased leaf area, length and weight of ear, root and biomass weight and
TSS (total soluble solids) content. At various level of biofertilizer, increasing synthetic fertilizer
dosages until 100% R could improve plant height, leaves and root number, stem girth, ear length
and accelerate growing of staminate and pistillate. Meanwhile at various degree of synthetic
fertilizer dosage, raising bofertilizer dosage until 150% R tend to higher plant height, and until
100% R caused stem girth and root length greater, but delayed staminate and pistillate growth.
Application of biofertlizer and synthetic fertilizer tend to increasing pH and cation exchange
capacity of growth medium.
Keywords: weight of ear, pH, cation enxchange capacity

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How to Cite
Rahayu, A., Rochman, N., Lestari, N. D., & Agustina, K. (2019). Response of Sweet Corn Plants (Zea mays saccharata L.) Affected the Aplication of Biological Liquid Compound Fertilizer and Synthetic Fertilizer N, P and K. JURNAL AGRONIDA, 4(1).


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