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Cayenne pepper storage at room temperature will cause physical, mechanical,
chemical or microbiological damage in short time. In room terperature conditions cayenne
pepper can only survive for 2-3 days and finally will be decay. The use of packaging can
increase the small chilli storeability, because packaging can reduce the level of exposure to
environmental changes. This research aims to study the quality changes of cayenne pepper
during storage on room temperature. The results showed that losses of cayenne pepper weight
increased with increasing duration of storage. Cayenne pepper storaged for 8 days caused
weight loss of 24.25%. The use of perforated plastic packaging can reduce the weight loss by
16.82%, much lower than the control of 31.67%. The pH of chili during the 8-days decreased
with value of 6.55 while the control was 6.7. The pH experienced decreased of 2.23% from
the control (without packaged). While the number of colored cayenne pepper increased
during storage from 40% in control treatment and 60% in the packaging. The use of
perforated plastic packaging provides a higher organoleptic value with a total value of 18
which consists of 4.27 color parameters (close to green), texture 4.5 (very close to very hard),
4.6 appearance (near very smooth) and freshness 4.63 (approached very fresh).
Keywords: chili, storage duration, weight loss, pH, packing

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How to Cite
Sulistyaningrum, A., & Darudryo, D. (2019). Decreasing of Cayenne Pepper Quality During Storage in Room Temperature. JURNAL AGRONIDA, 4(2).


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