Author Guidelines



Student Name a,  Supervisor Nameb * (names can be shortened)
a Undergraduate student of Department of ……… Faculty of ….., Djuanda University, Bogor

b Academic/Research staff of Department of ……… Faculty of ………………., University of ……..

* Jl. Tol Ciawi 1, Kotak Pos 35 Bogor 16720

E-mail :


Abstrak (in Bahasa Indonesia)

Abstrak adalah intisari dari hasil penelitian sehingga dengan membaca abstrak, pembaca telah memahami secara umum penelitian yang telah dilakukan.  Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan pedoman penulisan karya ilmiah. Baik abstract maupun abstrak dibuat dalam satu paragraf utuh tanpa ada acuan pustaka atau perujuk tabel dan/atau gambar, tidak lebih dari 250 kata dan menggunakan ukuran font 10. Isinya harus memuat masalah penting yang akan dipecahkan, tujuan, metode, hasil, kesimpulan, dan tidak boleh terlalu padat dengan angka-angka. Penyingkatan kata tidak diperkenankan kecuali kata dimaksud akan digunakan lebih dari satu kali. 


Kata kunci: (tidak lebih dari 5 kata)


Abstract (in English)

An abstract is a concise summary for readers to get a general understanding on the research conducted.  It is written in a formal English in accordance with the guidelines of scientific paper writing.  Each abstract and abstrak is written in a full paragraph of no more than 250 words of 10 font size without any reference, table, or figure.  It should include problems to be solved, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.  However, an abstract should not contain excessive figures.  No shortened words are allowed except for those which will be used more than once. 


Key words: ……………………………… (no more than 5 words)




Indonesian Archipelago Journal of Animal Science (IAJAS) or Jurnal Peternakan Nusantara publishes original scientific articles which are free from plagiarism and have never been published anywhere else.  Articles are written in a format and style of IAJAS which is developed based on the common scientific journal writing guidelines. 

Introduction should contain no more than 500 words, explain the background to and the importance of the study.  The state of the art and the objectives of the study are vividly explained so that readers can get clear description of the study. 

The article is written in Microsoft Office Word by using Times New Roman font size 12 with single line spacing.  It should contain no more than 7500 words written on A4 paper size and 2.5 cm margin on all sides. 

Materials and Methods

Materials and methods used in the study should be explained in detail to enable other researchers to replicate them.  Materials are not explained separately but rather as an integrated part in the procedures.  For instance, they are written as “Fermentation was conducted in anaerobic tubes soaked in shaking water baths,” instead of “Tools used for fermentation included anaerobic tubes and shaking water baths”.   Proprietary (copyrighted or patented) products used as control are written by using their generic names.  The brand name of the products can be put in brackets if the inclusion of it will help readers get better understanding of it.  However, the inclusion of a product brand name should be done with a written consent which should be obtained from its proprietor prior to the publication of the article. 

Model, type, brand, and producer of equipment used in the study should be explained.  Methods and models of statistical analyzes should be explained clearly to make them replicable for other researchers.

The explanation of items in this section is written systematically as follows: materials, experimental design and treatments, laboratory analyzes, and statistical analyzes.  Yet, this is not systematically rigid as adjustment may apply in accordance with the characteristics of the study.  For studies in agribusiness, for example, laboratory analyzes might not be necessary whereas other parts of the study might be included appropriately. 


Results and Discussion

Results of the study and the statistical analyzes are presented in detail in this section.  Illustration in the forms of tables and figures, if necessary, can be included.  Tables and figures should be simple, informative, easy to understand, and independent meaning that they help readers better understanding on the subject without having to read the written explanation.  There is no need to re-explain in the written form what has been explained in tables and figures.  Tables and figures are included on separate pages from the texts. 


Discussion is made to assess the consistency of the results of the study by comparing them with the results of previous studies on similar topics.  Discussion should be based on scientific bases and made in a straightforward and thorough manner to clarify the position of the results of the study.  The findings, advantages, and drawbacks of the study are revealed to make conclusions of the study easier to draw. 

Figures indicating data of treatment means should be written with their standard errors.  Statistic significant levels are expressed in P<0.05, P<0.01, and P<0.001.  Asterisk symbols (*, **, and ***) are used to indicate significant levels in tables and graphs.  Differences in treatment means are shown in superscripts a, b for P<0.05 and A, B for P<0.01. 


Conclusion and Implications

Conclusion includes findings reflecting the novelty, originality, pioneering, and universality of the study and its scientific contribution to the development of science and technology.  Statements in conclusion are free of statistical phrases or terms such as “…. significantly affected (P<0.05)….”.

Author(s) should explain the implications of the study results for the development of science and the impacts of them on environment, society, culture, economic, politic, and/or law.  The implications should be explained in simple words so that non scholar readers could understand them easily. 



Acknowledgement is mandatory for studies supported (fund, facility, personnel) by other institutions, individuals, or peer-reviewers if the article is reviewed prior to publication. 



Author(s) is responsible for the originality of all cited references and written in References.  Primary and most recent (last 10 years) references are strongly suggested.  These references are listed in alphabetical order and written according to the ‘name-year’ format.  Below are some usable formats and their examples. 


Journal article or abstract. Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Journal Name. Volume: Pages. Example:

Dahliani N, Mardiah and H Hermawan. 2010. Penambahan tepung tulang ceker ayam sebagai sumber kalsium pada tahu kedelai. Jurnal Pertanian 1: 40–48.

Book. Format: Author Name or Editor Name or Institution Name. Year. Title. Edition, Publisher Name, Publication Place. Example:

NRC (National Research Council) (NRC). 1985. Ruminant nitrogen usage. Subcommittee on nitrogen usage in ruminants. Committee on animal nutrition. National Academy of Sciences. National Academy Press 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20418.

Book Chapter or Proceeding. Format: Author Name. Year. Title. In: Book or Proceeding Title (Editor Name). Volume: Page(s). Publisher Name, Publication Place. Example:

Drackley JK. 2000. Lipid metabolism. In: Farm animal metabolism and nutrition (eds  JPF D’Mello), CABI Publishing, CAB International, New York.

Report in Scientific meetings (conference, workshop, etc.) not included in book or proceeding. Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Scientific Meeting Name, Meeting Organizer, Meeting Place. Number of pages. Example:

Rattan RK and PD Sharma. 2004. Main micronutrients available and their method of use.  IFA International Symposium on Micronutrients; Indian Agricultural Research Institute,  New Delhi, India: pp. 3-13.

Thesis or Dissertation. Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Thesis or Dissertation. University Name. Place of University. Example:

Kardaya D. 2010. Urea lepas-lamban dalam ransum berbasis jerami padi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi sapi bali. Disertasi. IPB. Bogor.

Loose Scientific Article in Website.  Loose scientific article in website can only be used if no other standard literature is available. Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Downloaded on date-month-year from http://......... Example:

Eberl DD. 2002. Controlled-Release Fertilizers Using Zeolites. U.S. Geological Survey. Fact Sheet. Downloaded on 2 April 2007 from http://www.usgs. gov/tech- transfer/ fact sheets/ 94-066b.htm

Citation of in-text reference

No citation of in-text reference in footnote is allowed.  For article with less than 3 authors, names of all authors are listed.  For article with 3 or more authors, only name of the first author is listed followed by et al.  Example: Dihansih (2011) stated that method of cooking affected beef quality.  Ammonization improved nitrogen content and digestibility of rice straw (Kardaya and Sudrajat 2011).  The length of natural fermentation of pineapple peels which resulted in optimal improvement of nutrients could be well predicted by using cubicle regression equation (Kardaya et al. 2011).  This equation was applicable not only for pineapples but also for rice straw (Kardaya and Sudrajat 2011; Kardaya et al. 2011).



Tables are to be made as simple and minimum as possible.  A table should list at least 2 rows of data.  For only a raw of data, a graph is suggested.  In a table, horizontal lines are used to indicate the upper line (heading) and the lowest line only.  No column lines are allowed.  Tables are made by using the table function in Microsoft Office Word application.  Title should be positioned above the table in short, clear, and informative phrases.  Tables are numbered by using Arabic numbers.  Only the first letter of the title is in capital; the rests are in lowercases except for proper names.   Commonly, parameters are listed in rows and treatments are in columns.  Table remarks are put under the table without being initiated with the word “Remark”.  In text, table number must be referred.  For example, …slow-released urea was proven highly effective (P<0.05) in reducing plasma NH3 rate in male Bali cattle (Table 1).  List of table numbers and titles is put on a separate page after Contents.  Table is made in 80 mm or 160 mm width.  Inserting a table into a text is not allowed.  Below is a sample of 160-mm-width table. 


Tabe 1       Plasma metabolites of Bali bulls fed different slow-release urea rations

Plasma metabolites

Rations (DM basis)









NH3, mM









Glucose, mM









Cholesterol, mM









Zinc, mM









Different superscripts within similar row indicate significantl differences (P<0.05); NU: no urea; U: urea; slow-release urea: (ZU: zinc-urea; UIZ: urea-impregnated zeolite; ZUZ: zinc-urea-impregnated zeolite).



Figure and Graph

Figures and graphs are made in JPEG format and presented when data cannot be presented in tables.  Graphs made by using Microsoft Office Excel or Microsoft Office Power Point must be transformed into JPEG format with print quality image.  Figures are 80 or 160 mm in width.  Figure title should be positioned under the figure in short, clear, and informative phrases.  Figures are numbered by using Arabic numbers.  Only the first letter of the title is in capital; the rests are in lowercases except for proper names.  Figure remark is put after and is an integral part of the figure title.  List of figure numbers and titles is put on a separate page after List of Tables. In text, like those of tables, figure numbers must be orderly referred.  Figures are in black and white; authors will be charged for color figure prints.  Below is a sample of a 160-mm-width figure. 





Figure 1      VFA contents of rumen fluid in vitro as a result of interaction effects of urea types and molasses rates  in 12 and 24 hours incubation periods.  Different superscripts within the graph area indicate significant differences (P<0.05);   U = urea, US = urea-zinc sulphate, UZ = urea-zeolite, USZ = urea-zinc sulphate-zeolite.