Author Guidelines
1. Introduction
Jurnal Mina Sains, with registered number ISSN 2407-9030 (print), ISSN 2550-0759 (online) is a scientific journal published by Department of Fisheries Universitas Djuanda. It is in the national level that covers lot of common problems or issues related to aquaculture, fish diseases, fisheries technology, fisheries biology, and management of fisheries resources.
2. How to Write the Title, the Name, and the Author’s Address
The title of the manuscript should be written on the top of the first page with the center text alignment. Meanwhile, the author’s name (without academic degree), and the affiliation address of the author, should be written with the center text alignment also under the title of the article. The author should give two line spaces between the title and the author’s name. Then, the space between the author’s affiliation address and the abstract title is one space. The keywords must be written below the overall abstract for all words. Those should be arranged in alphabetical order and be separated by semicolon maximally four words. Moreover, the title of the article that is written in Bahasa Indonesia should be also stated in English either (look at the example above).
The responsible author, the correspondence author, or the corresponding author must be written first and then followed by the second, the third, and so on. The communication regarding the article revision and the final statement will be informed via email to the correspondence author only. If there is more than one author, the author’s names should be written down separatedly by comma (,). If the author’s name consists of at least two words, the first name should not be shorted. If the author’s names are only one word, it should be written as it is. However, in the online version it will be written in two words with the same name repeatedly for the purpose of the metadata indexing. (Camdali and Tunc, 2006; Fridman, 2008).
3. The Manuscript General Guidelines
The manuscript text general guidelines are as follows:
- The manuscript is the authentic research result that has not been published yet in other publication media or publishing houses.
- The manuscript does not contain any plagiarism element. The editorial board will directly reject the text that indicates plagiarism.
- The submission and the publication processes are free, without any additional fees.
- The manuscript online submission can be viewed in the part of online submission guidelines below.
- The manuscript which is inappropriate with the Jurnal Mina Sains Universitas Djuanda writing guidelines will be returned to the author before the reviewing process.
- The manuscript should contain several aspects of a scientific article as follows: (subtitles as the order), which are: (a) the title of the article, (b) the author’s name (no academic title), (c) the afiliated author’s address, (d) the author’s email (e) the abstract and the keywords, (f) the introduction, (g) the research method (h), the research findings and disscussion (i), the conclusion (j), the references.
- The subtitles included in the discussion part (Introduction, Theoretical Review, Writing Methods, Result and Discussion, and Conclusion) should be numbered in the Arabic numbering order started from one. The subtitles are written in the bold and title case format. It uses the left text alignment without underline. The next expanded subtitles should be written in the bold and sentence case format, It should uses the left text alignment and the numbering format level two.
- The manuscript can be written both in Bahasa Indonesia or English with the standard language.
The Guidelines for Author can be downloaded at Manuscript Template.