Author GuideLines

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The Vionida Journal publishes manuscripts in the field of management with the scope of marketing management, financial management, human resource management, operations management and entrepreneurship.
The published manuscripts put forward an objective analysis of management and entrepreneurship cases from an academic perspective in the form of research results in the field of management and reviews of new management concepts and implementation of management concepts with literature studies.


Types of published manuscripts are original research results that have never been published or are not in the process of being published by other publication media and are free from plagiarism. The publication language is Indonesian or English. Every manuscript that enters the editorial board will undergo a process


All manuscripts are reviewed by 2 - 3 reviewers anonymously, where the identity of the authors and reviewers is kept confidential. Manuscripts of research results must be based on original research data that have not been published and analyzed using statistical methods. Manuscripts of research results that are presented descriptively without a research design that is controlled by the researcher, research manuscripts that are only in the form of repetition (replication) of research results that have been published, for example only the geographical conditions are different, will not be considered for publication. Manuscripts with serial numbers cannot be accepted unless submitted and presented at the same time.


Manuscripts should be sent in the form of Microsoft Word files via e-mail to:

If the manuscript contains tables and or figures, the author must submit a Microsoft Excel file or other program to make it easier to edit the manuscript. After submission, the manuscript will be further processed by the reviewer partner. The decision to load the manuscript will depend on the decision of the bestari partners, the Editorial Board and the Executive Editor.


  1. Manuscripts must be written with the theme font Time New Roman 12, double spaced, 2.5 cm margins, A4 sized pages, using the microsoft office word program. Manuscripts are written no more than 7,500 words in the order of the following sections:
    Title: TITLE  in Indonesian and English, Author's Name, Author's Address, Author for Correspondence, and Short Title (Running Head).
  3. Attachments: Tables, Graphs, and Images. The title of the manuscript must be in bold and capital letters, written in the middle of a separate line. Headings and subheadings are written on separate lines, starting from the left edge of the text body. Headings are bold and capitalized. Subheadings are in bold and only capital letters at the beginning of a word. The distance between headers and subheadings is 10 point (pt) while the distance between headers or subheadings and the body of the text is 6 pt. Paragraph distinction starts in the second paragraph after the header or subheading and is characterized by its first line which is 0.5 cm from the left edge of the text body.

Manuscripts that are too long or too short will be returned to the author. As a guideline, 7,500 words is equivalent to 34 pages of A4 size, written in the theme Time New Roman 12 font,double-spacedd, with 2.5 cm margins from all edges of the page. Title no more than 12 words, Short Title no more than 50 characters, Abstract and Abstrak no more than 250 words each,Keywordss and keywords each 5 words, and Introduction no more than 500 words.


The title must be concise and informative, not contain abbreviations, and contain the following:

  1. Arouse interest for readers scanning journals or lists of journal titles.
  2. Provide enough information for the reader to judge the relevance of a text to his interests
  3. Enter keywords or phrases that can be used to index and retrieve information about the research being conducted.
  4. Avoid unnecessary words, such as “a case study...” or “an empirical review of...”. It is more appropriate to write these things in the Materials and Methods subsection.
  5. It is not allowed to contain place words, such as ".... in Bogor"

Author Name and Address

The author's name and address should be presented as in the following example: Endang Silaningsih1); Dwi Gemina2)

Management Studies Program Faculty of Economics, University of Djuanda Email:

Short Title (running head)

Authors must write a short title of no more than 50 characters including blank beats.

Abstract dan Abstrak

Abstracts are written consistently in standard English (American English or British English). Abstracts are written in good and correct Indonesian, using standard words. Both abstract and abstract are made in one whole paragraph without any references to literature or table and/or image references, no more than 250 words. Its contents must contain the important problems to be solved, objectives, methods, results, conclusions, and must not be too dense with numbers. Abbreviation of words is not permitted unless the said word will be used more than once.

Keywords dan Kata Kunci

Keywords (in English) and Kata Kunci (in Indonesian), each no more than five words and should not be the same as the words contained in the title of the manuscript. If not sufficient, the editorial board will change it with the approval of the author.


An introduction that is written no more than 500 words, must explain current issues that lead to the importance of the research being conducted, clearly state the research objectives, and write the state of the art of the research topic so that the main description of the research becomes clear to the reader. However, references to the literature in the introduction must be limited because it is not an initial discussion.

Materials and methods

Research materials and methods must be explained in detail in this section so that it is possible for other researchers to repeat this research. The material or materials used are not specified separately, but must be integrated with research procedures. For example, .."respondents were asked to fill out a list of questions using a 2B pencil and choose one of the three posters shown by the researcher...", there was no need to detail them as follows: "The research material consists of: a list of questions, a 2B pencil, and a poster. If the research uses a proprietary product (such as a patent) for comparison, the product in question must be written in the standard name or the trade mark in parentheses if it is deemed to help clarify the reader's understanding, but the condition is that the written permission must be obtained from the owner of the product in question prior to publication.

The model, type, brand, and manufacturer of the equipment used in the research must be explained. The methods and models of statistical analysis must be clear so that it is possible for other researchers to repeat them. The systematics of the writing is as follows: material, experimental design and treatment, research implementation procedures, laboratory analysis, and statistical analysis. This systematics is not rigid, it can be adapted to the characteristics of the scientific field. For example, for agribusiness research where there is no laboratory analysis, there is no need for laboratory analysis. Otherwise, other subsections can be added as needed.

Results and Discussion

The results of the research, including the results of the statistical analysis are presented in detail in this section. Illustrations, if needed, can be presented in the form of tables and/or pictures. Tables and figures must be simple, informative, easy to understand, and self-contained, in the sense that the table or figure in question must be able to explain to the reader so that the reader does not have to read the text to understand it. Things that have been explained in tables or figures do not need to be repeated in writing. Tables and figures are loaded on separate pages from the text.

The results of subsequent research are discussed by comparing them with the results of research on similar topics from previous researchers to reveal their consistency (consistency) whether they are consistent (same) or different, then explain the scientific reasons for the intended results in a straightforward and thorough manner so as to clarify the position of the research results. Furthermore, the research findings are disclosed along with their strengths and weaknesses, if any.

Expressing the findings of this study will make it easier to conclude research result. The average treatment data must be written with standard errors. The level of statistical significance can be expressed as P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.001. Especially in tables, the intended significance level can be written respectively with *, **, and *** while in tables and graphs, differences between treatments can be indicated with the letters a, b for P <0.05 and A, B for P <0.01.

Conclusion and Implications

The conclusion contains research findings that reflect novelty, originality, pioneering, universality, and scientific contributions to the development of science and technology. The statement in the conclusion is free from statistical phrases or terms, such as "... has a real effect (P <0.05)" Authors must explain the implications of their research results in scientific development, and their impact on the environment, social, culture, economy, politics, and/or law. The implications are explained in simple language so non-scholarly readers can understand them easily.

Thank-you note

Acknowledgments must only be written if the research is supported (funds, facilities, personnel) by agencies or individuals, or peer reviewers if the manuscript is reviewed prior to publication.


The author is responsible for the correctness of all referenced and written references in the bibliography and those referred to in the text. It is highly recommended to use the latest publications (the last 10 years), and are presented alphabetically and written according to the year name format. Some formats and examples of writing include:

Journal manuscript or abstract.

Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Journal Name. Volumes: Pages. Example: Rahmawati R, G Praditina and RA Munjin. 2009. Hospital service model based on socio-economic characteristics of the community to increase patient satisfaction. Humanities Journal. 1(1): 18–29.


Format: Author Name or Editor Name or Institution Name. Year. Title. Edition, Publisher Name, Place of Publication. Example: Roestamy M. 2011. Legal concepts of property ownership for foreigners (associated with land law). First edition. PT. alumni. Bandung.

Book chapters or proceedings.

Format: Author Name. Year. Title. In: Title of book or proceeding (Editor's Name). Volumes: Pages. Publisher Name, Place of Publication.


Goulet D. 2000. Ethics, culture and development: livestock, poverty and quality of rural life. In: Livestock, ethics and quality of life (eds. Hodges, John and Han, In K). 131-154. CABI Publishing, New York, NY 10016, USA. Reports on scientific meetings (conferences, workshops, etc.) that are not covered in books or proceedings.

Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Title or Name of Scientific Meeting, Meeting Place. Number of pages. Example: Jalal F. 2011. Challenges and opportunities for education in Indonesia. Scientific Oration. XXVI Bachelor and Postgraduate Graduation, Djuanda University, Bogor. 16 p. Thesis or Dissertation.

Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Thesis or Dissertation. Name of College, Place of College.

Example: Roestamy M. 2008. Legal certainty over the ownership of houses and buildings by foreign investors is associated with the principle of nationality in the Indonesian land law system. Dissertation. Doctor of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University, Bandung.

Freelance Scientific Work published on the Website.

Freelance scientific work published on the website can only be used if other standard literature is not available. Format: Author Name. Year. Title. Downloaded date-month-year from http://....

Example: Bryant P. 1999. Biodiversity and Conservation. Retrieved October 4, 1999 from http://darwin

Writing the Name of the Author Referenced in the Text

The author's name referred to in the text is not allowed to use a footnote. If the number of authors is less than three, all authors' names are written, if the number of authors is not less than three, only the main author is written, followed by et al. Example:

Syamsah (2010) concluded that taxes and zakat have a reductive and deductible relationship. Parameters of health center service quality simultaneously affect patient satisfaction (Yuningsih and Maulana 2010). Deficiencies in the quality of hospital services can be overcome if the hospital pays attention to patient characteristics (Rahmawati et al. 2010). The level of patient satisfaction is an important indicator in measuring the quality of health services (Yuningsih and Maulana 2010; Rahmawati et al. 2010).


Tables should be made as simple and minimal as possible but must contain at least two rows of data. If there is only one row of data, the presentation must use a graph. Table horizontal lines are only allowed to characterize the top line (heading) and bottom line of the body of the table, while table column lines are not allowed. Tables are created using the table function in the Microsoft office word program. Table titles should be concise, clear, and informative, numbered with Arabic numerals, capital letters only on the first letter of the table title except for several personal names, and placed above the body of the table. Typically, variables are presented in rows and treatments are presented in table columns. Table captions are presented at the bottom of the table body without writing adverbs. In the text, the table number must be referred to,

for example: personality in the Islamic view is an integration of the systems of the heart, mind and lust (Table 1). Table titles, tables and table descriptions are presented on separate pages after the bibliography. Table width 80 mm or 160 mm. Don't insert a table in the text section. Example Table width 80 mm:

Table 3. PT Aneka Tambang's CSR Program


Bidang Kegiatan CSR

Efektivitas Program CSR PT Antam



Membantu masyarakat kurang mampu menyekolahkan 1 (satu) Desa/orang menjadi bidan



Membantu  masyarakat kurang mampu untuk berobat



Memberikan penghijauan pada masyarakat


Keinginan dan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia

Adanya kegiatan agama dan meningkatkan pendidikan jasmani



Tidak terjadi kerusuhan CSR memberikan dampak positif

Source: Interview Results of PT Antam's CSR Implementation, 2012.

Pictures and Graphics

Images and graphics are made in JPEG format and are only allowed if research data cannot be presented in tabular form. Graphics made with the program microsoft office excel must be converted into JPEG format with image quality suitable for printing. The size of the image width is 80 mm or 160 mm. The title of the image must be concise, clear and informative, numbered with Arabic numerals, capital letters only for the first letter of the title except for several personal names, and placed at the bottom of the image.

An example of an 80 mm wide JPEG format image (Figure 1). Figure 2. Thinking Framework Source: Zeithmal, et al and Berry (2004: 33) Image captions are written after and are an integral part of the image title. Figures and image titles are presented on a separate page after the table page. Within the text, all figure numbers must be referenced sequentially like table numbers. Images are printed in black and white and if the author requires color images, the printing costs are the responsibility of the author. Print Off Authors whose manuscripts have been published will receive one Visionida Journal and two reprint copies of their articles. Authors who wish to increase the number of journals and their freelance print can order them from the Editorial Board by phone or email. The following is a price list for the Vionida Journal and its loose print, not including shipping costs.

Price list for Visionida Journal and freelance printing


Jurnal Visionida (Rp/eksemplar)

Cetak lepasnya*) (Rp/eksemplar)

1 - 5



6 atau lebih



*) Minimum order of 5 copies.




Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Djuanda

Sources of Support

Universitas Djuanda Bogor