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The experiment was conducted at Gunung Putri Experimental Station and Plant
Physiology Laboratory of Indonesian Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Research Institute
(IMACRI), from November 2008 to July 2009. The aim of the experiment was to determine
physiological maturity of Pimpinella pruatjan seed and to study its morphological structures.
Observation and sampling using one hundred plants with four replications. Results of the
experiment showed that the physiological seed maturity on the first and third umbell of P.
Pruatjan was achieved at 7 weeks after anthesis, and physiological seed maturity on the
second umbell was achieved at 8 weeks after anthesis. Seed dry weight on the physiological
seed maturity on first, second and third umbells were 166,87; 158,20, and 141,35 mg/100
pericarp, respectively. Germination percentage and germination speed on the first, second
and third umbells were 5,75 % and 0,22 %/etmal; 22,75 % and 0,94 %/etmal; 10,50 % and
0,38 %/etmal, respectively.
Keywords: flowering, pruatjan, seed quality, morphology

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How to Cite
Rusmin, D., & Darwati, I. (2019). Phenological Study and Determination of Physiological Maturity of Purwoceng Seeds. JURNAL AGRONIDA, 4(1).


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