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One problem for developing small white ginger (Zingiber officinale var. amarum) is the
availability of high quality rhizome seeds in right quantity and time. Seed rhizome will sprout
quickly, and its quality will decreased in immature seed rhizome and in not good storage conditions.
The main objective of the experiment was to study the best storage room conditions for storage
rhizome seeds of small white ginger. The experiment was conducted in seed laboratory and storage
room of Research Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Bogor. The experiment was
conducted by randomized complete design with nine different storage, 3 replication and 25 samples
each treatment. The treatments are 1) rhizome seeds storage in room temperature (control),(2)
rhizome seeds storage in AC room (16–240C),(3) rhizome seed soaked in paclobutrazol 1000 ppm
for 4 hours then seeds storage in room temperature ( 4) put rhizome seeds in rack and cover by
straw, storage in room temperature (5) rhizome seed storage on straws in the greenhouse ( 6)
rhizome seed storage in the greenhouse without straw ( 7) rhizome seed soaked in water during 1
hour every month then dried naturally in 300C and storage in AC room (8) rhizome seed soaked
in paclobutrazol 1000 ppm for 4 hour then storage in AC room ( 9) put rhizome in wood box and
cover by rice straw and husk. Variables observed include moisture contents of ginger seed, lost
weight of seed and germination percentage of rhizome seeds at the end of storage period. The result
of experiment indicated that the moisture content and weight rhizome seeds decrease after 2 months. After four months storage period, moisture content was still high above 80 %, except
rhizome seeds in under ground. The rhizome seeds that store in AC room showed the best
performance and thus, this treatment can be recommended for storage of small white ginger
rhizome seeds for 4 months. The low moisture content (< 80%) of rhizome small white ginger seeds
will decreased its viability.
Keywords: Zingiber officinale var. amarum, seed, storage, viability

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How to Cite
Melati, M., & Rusmin, D. (2019). Effect of Storage Treatment on Small White Ginger Rhizome Viability. JURNAL AGRONIDA, 4(1).


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