Legal Protection of Government Agency Logo: Intellectual Property Law Versus State Financial Law


  • mustofa kamal magister ilmu hukum UNIDA pusdiklatwas BPKP
  • efridani lubis magister ilmu hukum UNIDA



This study aims to determine the legal protection of the government agency logo according to intellectual property law according to state financial law and to find out the harmonization strategy of legal protection of government agency logos between according to intellectual property law and according to state financial law. Qualitative research is carried out using the applied law research approach. The results showed that the logo of government agencies is the result of intellectual property that can become a trademark or copyright. Repressive intellectual property legal protection can be done if preventive legal protection has been done through trademark registration or copyright. While legal protection for state finances can be done if the logos of government agencies become part of intangible assets. Government agencies are required to safeguard intangible assets through administrative safeguards, in the form of bookkeeping in financial statements, and legal safeguards, in the form of registering and storing proof of trademark certificates or copyrights. If these two safeguards are carried out, harmonization between legal protection according to state financial law and intellectual property law has taken place. Preventive and repressive protection of agency logos as intangible assets can be optimized.


Keywords: agency logos, intangible assets, legal



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How to Cite

kamal, mustofa, & lubis, efridani. (2020). Legal Protection of Government Agency Logo: Intellectual Property Law Versus State Financial Law. JURNAL ILMIAH LIVING LAW, 12(1), 87–95.
Abstract viewed = 171 times