Classythemeplugin was unvalidated product, Click here to support us Jurnal Sosial Humaniora 2024-04-24T06:07:15+00:00 Dra. Ginung Pratidina, M.Si. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Sosial Humaniora</strong> , published in 2010, is a refinement of the UNIDA Research Bulletin published in 2004. Editors of the <strong>Jurnal Sosial Humaniora</strong> published in print from 2010-2016. Editors receive the manuscript following the <a title="Authors Guidelines" href="" target="_self">Guidelines for Authors</a>. This Journal Contains Scientific Work in Its Development, <strong>Jurnal Sosial Humaniora</strong> underwent an accreditation period, according to the Letter of Notification for the Result of Scientific Journal Accreditation of 2024 Number: <a title="scientific sinta 3" href="">0547 / E5 / DT.05.00 / 2024</a>, May 15, 2024, Reaccreditation from to Rank 4 Starting from Volume 15 No. 1 the Year 2024 Starting from Volume 11 Number 1 the Year 2020 <strong>Jurnal Sosial Humaniora</strong> increased from 7 Articles to 8. To order our printed version, And Starting from Volume 15 Number 2 the Year 2024 Templet <strong>Jurnal Sosial Humaniora </strong>journal <a href="">template changed</a></p> THE PRODUCTION OF RURAL PUBLIC SPACE AS TOURISM DESTINATION 2024-02-01T10:47:57+00:00 Anis Anjarwati Daru Purnomo Purnomo@GMAIL.COM Suryo Sakti Hadiwijoyo <p>The public space of Muncar, a craving tourism destination, is experiencing a major transformation gradually. The advantage of a tourist destination is that it has natural beauty that is still preserved and culture, local wisdom is still preserved from generation to generation by the people of Muncar village. Many people use the Muncar rural tourist destination as a public. The Muncar craving area has transformed from an unkempt area to a well-maintained area and is producing space with the emergence of new buildings and new faces. This research uses descriptive qualitative methodology, Data is collected through observation and in-depth interviews. This study aims to examine the production of public space in the Muncar rural area using Henry Lefebvre's theory of public space production. Apart from that, to maintain the sustainability of Muncar Rural Tourism as a public space that anyone can use and to accommodate various human activities, both individually and in groups.</p> 2024-04-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora INDONESIA STRATEGY IN INCREASING ECONOMIC COOPERATION IN AFRICAN COUNTRIES 2024-04-06T04:53:17+00:00 Muhammad Afif Fadhli Az Zamzami Nur Azizah <p>Indonesia’s economic cooperation in Africa is the government’s goal in improving the region’s trade balance. This research examines the strategies implemented by the government to increase economic cooperation in the African region. The government has a vital role in implementing economic cooperation for the economic development of a country. This research uses a qualitative approach. The primary and secondary data were obtained directly from face-to-face interviews with resource persons at the Asia Pacific and Africa Region Policy Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Secondary data was obtained through literature studies, literature in scientific journals, books, and official websites. Researchers analysed the data in three ways: (1) Data reduction, (2) Data presentation, and (3) Conclusion. This research approach uses the theory of liberal international trade and the concept of economic diplomacy. The result of this study is the strategies used by the government to increase economic cooperation in Africa, namely Comprehensive Market Research, Economic Partnership, and Preferential Trade Agreement. The government’s strategy positively impacts Indonesia’s trade surplus in Africa. It is noted that the value of Indonesian exports in Africa has increased by around 10.36%. Theoretical implication: The results of this study confirm previous research, especially in terms of improving Indonesia’s economic cooperation strategy in the African region. Practical implications can guide the government in making decisions related to economic diplomacy relations in Africa. Recommendations: The Government need to increase its role in encouraging parties to export to the African region.</p> <p> </p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora THE EVALUATION OF INDONESIA'S BASIC EMERGENCY OBSTETRIC CARE PROGRAM 2024-03-19T16:23:48+00:00 Susanti Susanti Made Yudhi Setiani Tri Yuniningsih Berry Sastrawan <p>The research is motivated by the ineffectiveness of the implementation of the Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Services (PONED) program at the Bangetayu Public Health Center in Semarang City. This ineffectiveness is primarily attributed to inhibiting factors such as poor communication, a shortage of human resources, and insufficient facilities and infrastructure. These challenges have adversely affected the quality of healthcare services provided to the community and have hindered the program from achieving its intended goals. This research aimed to evaluate the PONED Program implementation at health centres to determine the factors driving and inhibiting its success. This descriptive and qualitative research was carried out at the Bangetayu Public Health Centre, one of the primary health care centres with Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Services (PONED) in Semarang City. The purposive sampling method was used to collect data from 15 informants through interviews. Public compliance with the program could be seen from the very high participation of citizens in PONED socialization. Community participation in identifying problems and determining the PONED strategy with stakeholders is not in sync with the activities budgeted in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget as deconcentration funds. Program efficiency in terms of task delegation was quite good, although not optimal. Program effectiveness/relevance was not yet fully effective. This evaluation showed that the authority factor greatly influenced the operation of the three indicators. The authority factor of the City Government of Semarang concerned the application of a merit system and the principle of deconcentration in monitoring, as well as special allocation funds for physical/non-physical infrastructure, including competency improvement.&nbsp; Factors supporting the implementation of the PONED Health Center Program found that there were aspects of stakeholder collaboration that determined the success of the program, in addition to aspects of resources, aspects of implementers' attitudes, and aspects of bureaucratic structure.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora INNOVATOR SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE EMERGENCE OF A TOURISM DESTINATION 2024-03-18T07:09:42+00:00 Pajar Hatma Indra Jaya <p>Many regions in Indonesia have tourism assets that take work to develop into new tourist destinations. Seeking any pattern in developing a new tourism destination applicable to Indonesia with excellent tourism potential, this study becomes essential. It analyses how Gili Ketapang, a village in Probolinggo, East Java, became a new tourism destination. The researchers used a qualitative descriptive-analytical method. The data collection applies observation, documentation, and interviews with twelve informants involved in a snowball method. The primary analysis is an interactive analytical model. This research found that Gili Ketapang’s growth into a tourism destination started with an initiative from an innovator aware of the tourist assets. The innovator had the confidence and courage to package and offer the tourism assets via social media. Once the business was successful, it encouraged other local people to get involved, and eventually, the region became a new tourist destination. Creating a tourist destination does not require big investors but an innovator. This research provides recommendations for building a tourist destination to portray their tourism assets vividly, build big dreams, design tourism packages, and broadcast them to the public through effective media communications.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora SEEKING ANSWERS IN THE SHADOWS: THE USE OF AUTO-BASED ACCOUNTS ON TWITTER/X AS A PLATFORM FOR SOCIAL Q&A 2024-04-05T08:12:16+00:00 Keyza Pratama Widiatmika <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Twitter/X has pioneered a new communication landscape through the introduction of auto-based accounts. In Indonesia, these accounts, commonly known as 'Menfess,' enable users to share anonymous messages on various topics. A significant feature of these accounts is their role in Social Q&amp;A, acting as a platform for questioning and seeking information. This study aims to investigate how Indonesians utilize auto-based accounts for Social Q&amp;A interactions. To achieve this goal, a qualitative approach was employed, involving in-depth interviews with 10 Indonesian youths aged between 18 and 25 years.&nbsp; The findings reveal that these accounts have evolved from mere channels for anonymous confessions to sophisticated forums for engagement and knowledge sharing, particularly among users discussing sensitive topics. A key observation is the strategic use of auto-based accounts, which not only broadens user perspectives but also amplifies their confidence. However, it is also noted that users predominantly seek information that aligns with their pre-existing views, a behavior indicative of confirmation bias. This tendency shapes their interactions with media and the assessment of source credibility. The study underscores the need for further exploration into how these accounts play a supportive role in helping users navigate through their states of cognitive dissonance.&nbsp;</span></p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora EFFECTS OF THE PHILIPPINE RECLAMATION ON SABAH TO THE PHILIPPINES AND MALAYSIA RELATIONS FROM 2010 TO 2020 2024-03-22T04:02:28+00:00 Jalloud Abdul <p>The study aimed to identify the knowing and understanding towards the Republic of the Philippines reclamation on the Sabah. The study was undertaken by to investigate the perceived effects on the issue of the Philippines’ Reclamation on Sabah to the Philippine-Malaysia relations. The study attempted to answer the following questions: (1) perceive the effect of the Philippine reclamation on Sabah to the Philippines-Malaysia bilateral relations? (2) the Philippine reclamation on Sabah and its economic repercussions? (3) the Philippine reclamation on Sabah and its Political repercussions? The researcher made use of self-made guided questionnaire through purposive sampling method that was utilized to select samples of the respondents limiting the respondents into the data were analyze using thematic analysis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Based on the data gathered, the study shows that the effects of the Philippine reclamation on Sabah and its effects to the Philippines-Malaysia relations. In line with the statement of the problem of the study, the researchers found out from the results that the responses average weighted mean in Part II is 2.24 and on Part III is 2.34 both having a verbal interpretation of <em>undecided</em>, and the respondents perceived that negative repercussions on reclamation of the Philippines on Sabah and the reclamation will only increase the abnormal ties and tension between Malaysia and the Philippines. There’s a need of extension agent in the community by means of education to more understand and know what implications and effects that the Philippine reclamation Sabah has for both the Philippines and Malaysia, and the world.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>Philippines - Malaysia Bilateral Relations, Philippines reclamation on Sabah, &nbsp;Repercussions, Sabah Disputes.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE FLOOD DISASTER ON THE EXISTENCE OF COMMUNITY SOCIO-ECONOMIC LIFE 2024-03-19T16:26:44+00:00 abu bakar <p><em>Floods greatly affect socio-economic activities. The number of heads of families affected by the floods was 6,460 heads of families, the number of souls was 19,380 people, 6,460 houses/buildings and the number that was evacuated was 1,239 heads of families and 4,555 people. Flood disaster is an event that threatens and disrupts people's lives and livelihoods. Disasters can be caused both by natural factors and non-natural factors (human activities) resulting in loss of life, environmental damage, loss of property, and psychological impacts. The purpose of this study is to explain the socio-economic conditions of the people in Makassar City; Analyze the factors that cause flooding in Kita Makassar; Identify the evacuation of communities affected by floods. This study uses a cross-sectional design. The approach to this research is "collaborative" which is a form of disaster management that is more of a public institution directly collectively. The samples taken were 99 people. Data consists of primary and secondary. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation. Data analysis uses public perception, Likert scale, Weight Mein Score and correlation. The results showed that the increasing number of companies reached 14,584 business units consisting of 1,460 large trades, 5,550 medium trades, and 7,574 small trades. There are 143 industrial businesses classified as large and medium which accommodate 17,767 workers. Factors that cause floods are: The Effect of Rainfall, Changes in Land Allotment in watersheds, Effects of Surface Elevation, and People Disposing of Garbage. In Makassar City there were no evacuation sites, so the people were evacuated to residents' homes, mosques and posyandu. As many as 50 respondents were evacuated at residents' homes, 30 respondents were evacuated at Posyandu and 19 respondents were evacuated at the mosque.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora ISLAMIC POPULISM AND INDONESIAN DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT: REFLECTIONS FROM THE 2019 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2024-04-24T06:07:15+00:00 Saepudin <p>This research reveals that the reflection of the 2019 presidential election, the Islamic populism movement, which is only considered a threat (destructive) to Indonesian democracy, is an inappropriate view; Islamic populism must also be seen as a constructive political movement, as a form of demand for justice and welfare of the majority population. This attitude is part of the control of the democratic system, which is based on considerations of sociological and historical aspects that the majority of the Indonesian population adheres to Islam. Responding to Islamic populism in Indonesia must be done by fully understanding the meaning of democracy and the values ​​in Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Because ideally every political movement that provides a critical attitude must be interpreted as part of democratic dynamics.</p> 2024-05-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sosial Humaniora