JURNAL AGROINDUSTRI HALAL https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal <p>Jurnal Agroindustri Halal Merupakan publikasi ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Djuanda Bogor sebagai media penyebarluasan dan pertukaran informasi <strong>hasil penelitian</strong> di bidang teknologi pertanian secara umum dan kehalalan secara khusus. Publikasi yang termasuk di dalamnya dapat berupa hasil penelitian dengan tema kimia pangan, biokimia pangan, pengolahan pangan halal, teknologi industri pertanian, manajemen dan pemodelan agroindustri, teknik dan sistem industri, teknik manajemen lingkungan agroindustri, rekayasa dan bioproses produk biomaterial halal. Jurnal ini diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan <strong>April, Agustus, dan Desember.</strong></p> <p>Sebelum melakukan penyerahan naskah melalui OJS mohon isi Surat Pernyataan <a title="ORISINALITAS" href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzLkpmfXc1RoZ0VEUEt3UnlPUlk" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ORISINALITAS</a> dan <a title="PEMINDAHAN HAK CIPTA" href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzLkpmfXc1RoRDU1eTNwUUV1Zzg" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PEMINDAHAN HAK CIPTA</a> yang ditandatangi oleh semua penulis.</p> <p>Format tulisan telah disesuaikan dengan <a title="TEMPLATE" href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q7oxbkKa3FECvaw3jM-jWL89w92rDpbf/edit?usp=sharing&amp;ouid=102338330723608507769&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">TEMPLATE</a> dan <a title="PANDUAN PENULISAN" href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hzqGGAc6kfv20JETVtI1EEXwTn7vYSV2/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PANDUAN PENULISAN</a> jurnal. </p> <p><strong>TERAKREDITASI S-3</strong></p> <p>SK Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan KEMENRISTEKDIKTI</p> <p>No 158/E/KPT/2021 Tanggal 9 Desember 2021</p> <p><a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2442-3548">ISSN 2442-3548</a></p> <p><a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2550-0163">eISSN 2550-0163</a></p> <p><a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=6281215771575&amp;text=Halo,%20Saya%20ingin%20bertanya%20tentang%20jurnal%20agroindustri%20halal"><img src="https://unida.ac.id/public/site/images/adminjurnal9/tanya_WA_100.png" alt="" /></a> <a title="TUTORIAL" href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oHV2VtJ-_vaVvOHWVi5sQJUPdZ9VIGrO/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://unida.ac.id/public/site/images/adminjurnal9/button_tutorial1.png" alt="" /></a></p> en-US <p>Authors who publish with <strong>Jurnal Agroindustri Halal</strong> agree to the following terms:</p><ol><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" rel="license" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in <strong><strong>Jurnal Agroindustri Halal</strong>.</strong></li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in <strong>Jurnal Agroindustri Halal</strong>. </li><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work</li></ol> j.agroindustrihalal@unida.ac.id (Sri Rejeki Retna Pertiwi) distya.rizki@unida.ac.id (Distya Riski Hapsari) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:44:34 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Diversifikasi Olahan Sidat menjadi Produk Unagi Pastry https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/7190 <p>Eel has a high nutritional content. The process of processing fillets and making kabayaki leaves waste eel fish bones. There are not many variations of processed eel and there is potential for using eel bones, so diversification efforts need to be made. This study aims to make processed pastry using bone flour and eel meat. Pastry dough made from wheat flour is added with eel flour, and eel meat with 3 variables; P1, P2, and P3. P1 was (5% bone flour and 25% eel meat), P2 was (7.5% bone flour and 30% eel meat) and P3 was (10% bone flour and 35% eel meat). Bone flour and eel meat were analyzed proximately to determine their nutritional content. Hedonic organoleptic analysis including taste, aroma, texture, and appearance was carried out on unagi pastry P1, P2, and P3. The results showed that the eel bones contained a high protein, (31.82%) and a low water content (3.37%). Eel meat contains 41.72% protein and 15.98% crude fat. Organoleptic results showed the panelists preferred Unagi Pastry P1 both in terms of taste (3.48), aroma (3.46), texture (3.42), and appearance (3.92).</p> Khoeruddin Wittriansyah, Ari Kristiningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Khoeruddin Wittriansyah, Ari Kristiningsih https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/7190 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Kajian Penggunaan Beras Analog yang Disubstitusi Glukomanan Porang (Amorphophallus Oncophyllus) Sebagai Antidiabetes Mencit yang Diinduksi Aloksan https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/9514 <p>Beras analog yang disubtitusi glukomanan porang <em>(Amorphophallus Oncophylus)</em> mengandung serat yang tinggi dan memiliki indeks glikemk yang rendah (43) sehingga baik dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian beras analog yang disubtitusi glukomanan porang terhadap kadar gula darah, berat badan, dan konsumsi ransum pada mencit yang diinduksi aloksan. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 4 kali perlakuan dengan 6 ulangan. Data yang diperoleh diuji keseragamannya dengan menggunakan uji Bartlett dan kemenambahan data diuji dengan uji Tuckey. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam untuk mendapatkan penduga ragam galat dan mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan, kemudian data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji BNT pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian beras analog yang disubtitusi glukomanan porang pada mencit yang diinduksi aloksan memberikan kadar gula darah sebesar 93,83 mg/dL, menurunkan berat badan 3,53 g, konsumsi ransum 3,45 g/hari, dan efisiensi ransum -14,80%.</p> Bella Intan Ayu Safitri, Subekti, Sri Hidayati, Samsu Udayana Nurdin, Samsul Rizal Copyright (c) 2023 Bella Intan Ayu Safitri, Subekti, Sri Hidayati, Samsu Udayana Nurdin, Samsul Rizal https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/9514 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Eksplorasi Pengaruh Kesediaan Membayar Layanan Logistik Halal terhadap Perpanjangan Sertifikat Logistik Halal: UMKM Sektor Pertanian https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/9672 <p>The first period of halal certification obligations according to Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 and its derivatives will end on October 17, 2024, including food and beverage products. Therefore, the halal certification process for products of micro, small, and medium enterprises needs to be carried out promptly. The aim of this research is to examine the factors influencing the willingness of agricultural commodity-based UMKM players to pay for halal logistics services. This study employs a quantitative approach with purposive sampling for data collection and SEM-PLS for data analysis. The research includes 350 respondents who are UMKM players based on agricultural commodities. The findings of this study reveal that, in addition to the variable knowledge on halal, other variables such as concern on halal, awareness on halal, perception of halal logistics, and service capability have a positive and significant influence on the willingness to use halal logistics services. Furthermore, the willingness to use halal logistics services can encourage halal logistics service providers to renew their halal logistics certificates. The research findings will be beneficial for policymakers and managers of halal logistics companies as it helps them understand the factors that drive the adoption of halal logistics services.</p> Muhammad Dzulfaqori Jatnika, Listia Andani, Faqihuddin, Cici Aulia Permata Bunda Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Dzulfaqori Jatnika, Listia Andani, Faqihuddin, Cici Aulia Permata Bunda https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/9672 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Risiko Halal Supply Chain Produk Otak-otak Bandeng Bu Afifah Menggunakan Metode House Of Risk https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/9726 <p>Produk otak-otak bandeng bu afifah adalah Usaha kecil dan menengah yang bergerak pada makanan olahan ikan bandeng di kota Gresik Jawa Timur. Berkembangnya industri pangan serta kota Gresik menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata halal Jawa Timur menjadikan UKM Produk otak-otak bandeng bu afifah dituntut dapat mempertahankan kualitas produk dan menyediakan produk yang terjamin halal. Proses bisnis menciptakan produk halal tentunya memiliki peluang risiko disetiap tahapannya. Manajemen risiko berfungi untuk mengidentifikasi risiko yang berpeluang terjadi. Supply chain operation reference (SCOR) merupakan pemetaan aktivitas identifikasi risk event dan risk agent. Risk event dan risk agent yang diketahui diukur dampak kejadian, frekuensi kejadian korelasinya dilakukan dengan House of Risk. HOR 1 berfungsi sebagai penentu prioritas penangganan agen risiko dan HOR 2 berfungsi mengetahui prioritas mitigasi yang dilakukan. Didapatkan penyebab risiko menggunakan SCOR rantai pasok Ukm otak-otak bandeng bu afifah terdapat 15 kejadian risiko dan 12 Agen risiko. HOR 1 menghasilkan 4 risiko terbesar yakni A1, A5 A2, dan A3. HOR 2 terdapat 8 usulan PA1 Merancang serta mengimplementasikan Standart Operasional Prosedur pengadaan bahan baku &amp; Proses Produksi yang baik, benar &amp; halal dengan nilai total effectivness 29349, Degre of difficulty 3, Effectivness to Difficulty 9783</p> Akhmad wasiur Rizqi, Nur Hidayatul Ummah, Sukma Dwi Yuliana Copyright (c) 2023 akhmad wasiur rizqi, Nur Hidayatul Ummah, Sukma Dwi Yuliana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/9726 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Performance Analysis of Sugar Production in Ngadirejo Sugar Factory https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6513 <p>The Ngadirejo Sugar Factory (PG) in Kras District, Kediri Regency is one of the business units whose productivity ranks second highest among the 9 PG subsidiaries of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) X, which reached 6,250 tons of sugar cane per day. With this high productivity, the quality of sap must always be maintained. This study aims to determine the performance of PG Ngadirejo sugar production from the aspect of raw sap, namely from the solution color value (ICUMSA), %brix, %pol, reducing sugar value, and pH to produce high-quality white crystalline sugar as well. Sap quality data from the quality assurance (QA) section of PG Ngadirejo for five days were taken and analyzed descriptively on the performance of the factory based on these parameters. %brix performance value; %pol; reducing sugar; pH; yield; ICUMSA; BJB; and the moisture content is 64 °Brix, respectively; 46 %; 6.2%; 5; 6-7%; 168.86-179.86 IU; 1.010 mm; and 0.02%. Based on the results obtained, the value of %brix, %pol, reducing sugar, ICUMSA, BJB, and water content have met the standards set by SNI. However, what needs to be improved is the yield value of white crystal sugar produced for 5 days which is still below the average value.</p> Afifa Husna, Desiana Nuriza Putri, Hanif Alamudin Manshur Copyright (c) 2023 Afifa Husna, Desiana Nuriza Putri, Hanif Alamudin Manshur https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6513 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Deteksi Marker Genetik dari Sekuen Protein Hewan untuk Autentikasi Halal Melalui Pendekatan Bioinformatika https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6765 <p>Keamanan pangan berupa aspek halal menjadi kebutuhan primer bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Studi bioinformatika menawarkan pendekatan untuk analisis materi genetik organisme dari database yang telah tersedia secara luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan marker dari sekuens protein beberapa sampel kelompok mamamlia secara in silico dengan pendekatan bioinformatika. Pemilihan sampel urutan protein didasarkan pada protein yang telah banyak dilaporkan secara luas yaitu protein IGF2 (<em>insulin like growth factor 2</em>) dan CytB (<em>cytochrome B</em>). Analisis kekerabatan antar sampel menggunakan konstruksi pohon filogenetik berdasarkan sekuens protein sampel spesies mamalia halal yang dibandingkan dengan sampel mamalia non-halal seperti babi dan anjing. Tahap terakhir adalah analisis struktur dan sifat fisikokimia protein target untuk menentukan marker 'halal'. Analisis pohon filogenetik menunjukkan bahwa spesies babi menempati kelompok yang berbeda dengan mamalia yang umum dikonsumsi di Indonesia dan paling dekat hubungannya dengan spesies anjing. Prediksi sifat protein sampel memberikan informasi kesamaan titik isoelektrik dan karakteristik kelarutan antara sekuens protein spesies babi dan anjing. Dua blok penanda pada sekuen babi dan anjing dari protein IGF2 didapatkan dengan metode <em>multiple sequence alignment</em> berupa urutan YDTWKQSAQRLRRGLPALLRARRGR dan HGGASPEASG. Temuan tersebut dapat menjadi penanda baik secara struktur (urutan) maupun posisinya sebagai acuan dalam pengujian produk halal berbasis DNA, khususnya dengan metode PCR.</p> Maghfirotul Amaniyah, Ruth Ema Febrita, Junaedi Adi Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2023 Maghfirotul Amaniyah, Ruth Ema Febrita, Junaedi Adi Prasetyo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6765 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of Brewing Time on the Psychochemical and Antioxidant Activity of Green Tea Bag https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6511 <p>Teabags are commonly used because of their practical use and benefits as antioxidants. However, there are still few studies that report the effect of brewing time of tea bags on their bioactive compounds. This study aims to determine green tea bags' psychochemical properties and antioxidant activity with different brewing times (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 15 minutes). The results showed that the length of steeping time influenced the increase in total polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity in green tea bags. The highest rehydration ratio value for product A was in the 3rd minute, which was 3.74 g/g, while in product B, it was 3.36 g/g at the 15th minute. In contrast, the highest swelling rate value occurred in the 15th minute with 372.79% and 236.31% in products A and B, respectively. Products A and B had the highest total flavonoids at 12 minutes of brewing time with 132.41 mg Q.E/g and 144.63 mg Q.E/g, respectively. Product A had the highest free radical inhibition activity at the 7th minute, while product B at the 9th-minute steeping was 56.54% and 73.73%, respectively. Pearson Correlation shows a positive correlation between total polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity in green tea bags. The results of this study are expected to be a reference and education of reasonable green tea brewing procedures for consumption by the public.</p> Ukhti Ayuningtyas, Zahrah Rufaida, Widya Prasetyawati Septiani, Shabri, Sugeng Harianto, Hilman Maulana, M. Iqbal Prawira-Atmaja Copyright (c) 2023 Ukhti Ayuningtyas, Zahrah Rufaida, Widya Prasetyawati Septiani, Shabri, Sugeng Harianto, Hilman Maulana, M. Iqbal Prawira-Atmaja https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6511 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Pasteurized Milk With the Addition of Centella asiatica Leaf Extract https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/7433 <p>Milk has a high nutritional value. Minimal processing that can extend the shelf life of milk is pasteurization, but it can damage the nutritional content of milk. One of the additional efforts to improve milk quality and maintain the nutritional content of milk is to provide additional active compounds that act as antioxidants for milk consumers and the milk product itself. The use of Centella asiatica leaf extract as an ingredient is because there are at least 139 active compounds. This study aimed to study the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pasteurized milk with the addition of Centella asiatica leaf extract. The research was carried out in two stages, namely making gotu kola leaf extract and making pasteurized milk by adding gotu kola leaf extract concentrations of 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, and 0.75%. Product analysis included total phenol analysis using Folin Ciocalteau and antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. Adding Centella asiatica leaf extract can increase total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. The total phenolic content obtained by adding Centella asiatica leaf extract at 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, and 0.75% were 0.58 mgGAE/g, 1.93 mgGAE/g, respectively 2.33 mgGAE/g, and 3.41 mgGAE/g. At the same time, the results of antioxidant activity were 7.68%, 31.93%, 37.57, and 40.35%, respectively.</p> Distya Riski Hapsari, Intan Kusumaningrum, Arti Hastuti, Caesandra Indah Arlina, Lia Amelia Copyright (c) 2023 Distya Riski Hapsari, Intan Kusumaningrum, Arti Hastuti, Caesandra Indah Arlina, Lia Amelia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/7433 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Karakteristik Sensori, Kimia, dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Kue Egg Roll dengan Penambahan Tepung Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/10019 <p>Javanese turmeric is one of the Indonesian herbs that is underutilised because of its pungent aroma and bitter taste. This study aims to investigate the effect of the ratio of wheat flour to Javanese turmeric powder on the sensory characteristics, chemical properties and antioxidant activity of egg roll cakes. The research method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four levels of treatment, namely the ratio of wheat flour to Javanese turmeric powder of 28:2, 26:4, 24:6 and 22:8.&nbsp; The addition of Javanese turmeric powder can increase the moisture content, curcumin content and antioxidant activity of egg roll cake, but reduce the sensory acceptability of the product. During the production process of the egg roll cake, the curcumin content decreased by 4.79% - 6.50%. The best treatment for egg roll cake based on the de Garmo method is the addition of 2% Javanese turmeric powder that has a moisture content of 3.91%, curcumin content of 0.00311 g/g (0.31%) and antioxidant activity of 5.04%.</p> Refani Fadli Rahman, Aminullah, Distya Riski Hapsari Copyright (c) 2023 Refani Fadli Rahman, Aminullah, Distya Riski Hapsari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/10019 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Profil Sensori Pada Roti Tawar Dengan Penambahan Tepung Kulit Buah Naga Merah Dengan Menggunakan Metode Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/8100 <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kulit buah naga merah berwarna merah keunguan karena adanya pigmen antosianin yang dapat menghasilkan variasi sensori roti tawar. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil sensori roti tawar dengan penambahan tepung kulit buah naga menggunakan metode RATA (Rate-All-That-Apply). </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Analisis data meliputi Friedman Test, PCA, dan Preference Mapping. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Analisis PCA menunjukkan bahwa persentase tepung terigu dan tepung kulit buah naga (95%:5%) dan (90%:10%) identik dengan atribut sensoris warna luar jingga-merah, tekstur lembut (tangan), tekstur lembut. (mulut). </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">, tekstur kenyal (tangan), dan roti tawar memiliki aroma yang khas. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Perbandingan persentase tepung terigu dan tepung kulit buah naga (85%:15%) dan (80%:20%) identik warna luar merah tua, warna dalam merah tua, tekstur padat (mulut), tekstur padat (tangan ), rasa asam, </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">rasa pahit, aftertaste asam dan aftertaste pahit. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Produk roti dengan perbandingan persentase tepung terigu dan tepung kulit buah naga (95%:5%) memiliki rata-rata nilai kesukaan tertinggi yaitu 80-100%, sedangkan konsentrasi tepung yang ditambahkan Semakin besar kulit buah naga maka konsumen akan semakin rendah. nilai preferensi, yaitu 0-20%.</span></span></p> Muhammad Rifqi Suryana, Titi Rohmayanti, Fariha Rizki Sania, Utami Dwi Hapsari Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Rifqi Suryana, Titi Rohmayanti, Fariha Rizki Sania, Utami Dwi Hapsari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/8100 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Karakteristik Kimia dan Sensori Roti Kering Bagelen Substitusi Tepung Kacang Arab (Cicer arietinum) https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/10015 <p>Wheat flour is highly used as a main material of processing bread, one of the developments is bagelen bread. The intent of this study is to innovate bagelen dried-bread product with the proportion of chickpea flour, increasing protein (based on SNI) and fibre content. This research was using a one-factor Complete Randomized Design (RAL) method, 2 repeats, with wheat flour: chickpea flour treatment rates each are 100%:0%, 90%:10%, 80%:20%, 70%:30%. ANOVA variance and Duncan test were carried out with a 95% confidence interval. The results of the data analysis stated that the substitution of chickpea flour had a significant effect on protein and fibre level, sensory and hedonic quality, but it has no noticeable effect on the moisture level. The selected product is bagelen dried-bread with the proportion of 80% wheat flour and 20% chickpea flour with moisture content of 6,09%, protein 9,93%, crude fibre 29,5%, ash 1.49%, fat 29.97%, carbohydrate 52.50%, total calorie value of 519,53 kcal. Based on the results of sensory quality tests, bagelen dried-bread was obtained with more brownish-yellowish color, bagelen smell, chickpea smell, baked smell, not smelled <em>langu</em>, tasted sweet like bagelen, chickpea taste, more crispy texture. By hedonic tests, panelists tend to like the color, odor, taste, crispiness, and overalls of the product.</p> Zazti Kinasih, Noli Novidahlia, Muhammad Fakih Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2023 Zazti Kinasih, Noli Novidahlia, Muhammad Fakih Kurniawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/10015 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Kajian Pengolahan Nilam (Patchouli) Menggunakan Metode Penyulingan Uap di Kecamatan Poleang Utara Kabupaten Bombana https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6404 <p><em>This study examines the processing of patchouli oil using the steam distillation method in North Poleang District, Bombana Regency. Data collection methods: (a) observation; (b) interviews); (c) questionnaires; and (d) documentation. The method in this study is to describe the processing of patchouli oil using the steam distillation method. The results showed the processing of patchouli oil using the steam distillation method in North Poleang District, Bombana Regency. Distilleries are used with water and steam distillation systems. Distil water and steam through a kettle filled with water to the limit of the filter and patchouli leaves on the filter. Then the water is heated and produces steam passing through the material and flowing through a stainless pipe. (a) Patchouli oil is obtained from the leaves, stalks, stems and patchouli plants. Harvesting can be done 6 - 8 months after planting in plants that grow well. Nilan harvest is usually done by pruning as high as 10 - 20 cm from the ground. Production of the first leaves and twigs is still low (about 50 - 75% of normal production). Done every 4 - 6 months depending on the rainfall and soil fertility; (b) drying is usually carried out by drying, the crop (pattern leaves and stalks) are dried in the sun for 5 hours followed by wind-drying for 2 - 3 days until the moisture content reaches 12 - 15%; and (c) direct steam distillation, in which the material is in a still boiler and water vapour is drained from the boiler at the bottom of the distillate. The duration of direct steam distillation ranges from 4-6 hours.</em></p> dhian herdhiansyah, Subhan, La Rianda, Asriani Copyright (c) 2023 dhian herdhiansyah, Subhan, La Rianda, Asriani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/6404 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Waktu Penyangraian Terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Kopi Bubuk Robusta Menggunakan Mesin Roasting Elektrik https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/10056 <p>The quality of coffee powder can be improved if the main stages of the roasting process can be carried out optimally. Hot air-type roasting machines with a combination of 10 minutes and a temperature of 200 C can produce high-quality coffee powder. Therefore, other research is needed using different types of roasting machines and coffee powder quality criteria based on standards set by the government. The electric roasting machine consists of a Teflon heating mat that is directly integrated with temperature-adjustable heating components and has an automatic stirrer. The study used a one-factor Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatment levels and two repeats. The Roast time of robusta coffee beans at a temperature of 200 C with levels (10, 15, 20, and 25) minutes is factor A. The criteria for testing the quality of coffee powder produced by the electric roasting machine state (smell, color, taste) with normal test results, water content ranges from 1.47-5.29%, ash content ranges from 3.53-3.83%, coffee juice ranges from 24.1-25.6%, and caffeine ranges from 1.66-1.78%. Electric roasting machines at a temperature of 200 C and 10 minutes are the best combination of treatment because the ground coffee produced is quality. I am referring to SNI 01-3542-2004 criteria for criteria tested with the most optimal electrical energy efficiency</p> Aditya Darajat, Muhammad Rifqi, Raden Siti Nurlaela Copyright (c) 2023 Aditya Darajat, Muhammad Rifqi, Raden Siti Nurlaela https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ojs.unida.ac.id/Agrohalal/article/view/10056 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000